Margie Ellis
Artist/ Illustrator

“When words may be illusive and the ability to express one’s self is incommunicable,
art then becomes the visual articulation for expression.” – Margie Ellis
Emotive Series
The ideas I have are sometimes hard to put into words, though invariably I begin to merge text with many of my images. This lends itself to the visual articulation of what I am striving to communicate. It may come through a lyric, a poetic passage, or a quote that has resonated with me. The text and my images are a marriage of the two. Each one can be a force on its own, but once they come together they become much more powerful. This allows the viewer to have an immediate connection by having insight into the initial meaning behind my idea. However, ultimately the viewers take away their own interpretation of the piece.

A Craft of Mortality~
"Passion is terrifying, it can rock you,
change you, bring your head under,
as when a wind rises from the bottom of the sea,
and you're out there in the craft of your mortality, alone."- James Baldwin
Please find my Mind ~
"You're wrong, the mind is not like raindrops
It does not fall from the skies,
It does not lose itself among other things
If you believe in me at all, then believe this:
I promise you I will find it.
Everything depends on this
I believe you," she whispers after a moment
"Please find my mind."-Haruki Murakami
Fragile Things ~
“She seems so cool, so focused, so quiet,
yet her eyes remain fixed upon the horizon.
You think you know all there is to know about her immediately upon meeting her,
but everything you think you know is wrong.
Passion flows through her like a river of blood.
She only looked away for a moment, and the mask slipped, and you fell.
All your tomorrows start here.”-Neil Gaiman,
Chiaroscuro ~
"We are our own chiaroscuro,
Striving to evolve into something concrete,
We all reside with Decision and Anguish,
Magnificence and Imperfection,
Serenity and Harshness,
Fulfillment & Failure,
Since there is much grey to shape
One cannot abide in the light constantly."
- Margie Ellis
Waiting..... ~
"He's just like a stallion.
Wild and kicking on the outside,
but a heart soft as satin on the inside.
Just waiting for the right girl to break him in.-
he waits…for me..” -Alexandra Bracken
"I was reduced to pure concept.
My flesh had dissolved; my form had dissipated.
I floated in space.
Liberated of my corporeal being,
but without dispensation to go anywhere else.
I was adrift in the void. ..."-Haruki Murakami
Reflecting on the Rain ~
"Between the sleeping and the waking, it is there.
Between the rising and the resting, it is there.
It is always there.
It gnaws on my heart.
It chews on my soul.
I turn aside and see it.
I stop my ears and hear it.
I cover myself and feel it.
There are no human words for what I mean.
It is what the deaf ear hears, it is what the unseeing eye sees
It is the metronomic drip-drip of the rain"- based upon the writing of Richard Yancey

Memory Makes Me Aware ~
“The light of memory, or rather the light that memory
lends to things, is the palest light of all.
I am not quite sure whether I am dreaming or remembering, whether I have lived my life or dreamed it.
Just as dreams do, memory makes me profoundly aware”
-Eugene Ionesco

Colorful Mermaid~
"Maybe she would become a mermaid...
She would live in the swirling blue-green currents,
doing exotic underwater dances for the fish,
kissed by sea anemones, caressed by seaweed shawls.
She would have a dolphin friend.
Her fingernails would be tiny shells
and her skin would be like jade with light shining through it
She would never have to come back up.."
-Francesca Lia Block
The Edge~
I came to the very edge,
Motionless and forlorn,
Gazing out to sea,
No vernacular was necessary.
Magically metamorphosed, as a result of my thoughts,
Insignificance surrounds me,
Silence descends, beauty is lamented by lost souls
Darkness is ruptured, stillness is shattered through the clash of a waves.
And so, in time, the moment is lost and everything made new again
Like morning touched with the wonder of mortal beauty- Margie Ellis
" Awaiting ~
"She walks in Beauty, like the night
Of cloudless climes and starry skies;
And all that's best of dark and bright
Meet in her aspect and her eyes:
Thus mellowed to that tender light
Which Heaven to gaudy day denies."
-George Gordon Noel Byron
Sweetest Gift~
“Quietly, while you were asleep,
the moon and I were talking,
I asked that she’d always keep you protected,
She promised you her light,
That you so gracefully carried,
You bring your light and shine like morning,
And then the wind pulls the clouds across the moon
Your light fills the darkest room,
I can see the miracle that keeps us from falling,
She promised all the sweetest gifts that only the heavens could bestow,
You bring your light and shine like morning,
And as you so gracefully hid her light,
As long as you live I’ll always remember this poem”
-lyrics of Sade

All images are copyright and may not be reproduced or used without the expressed written consent of Margie Ellis